Tynny-13FD ダイブライト 2200 ルーメン

通常価格 $99.00
セールスプライス $99.00 通常価格 $139.00
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* 必須フィールド

サイズガイド 共有
  • 配送予定日:Apr 06 - Apr 10

  • 送料無料&返品:送料無料

  1. 照明性能:スキューバダイビングなどに最適なTynny-13FDは、2200ルーメンの6500K白色光、96 CRI、110°照射角を提供します。
  2. バッテリーとインジケーター: 暗い場所では 24 時間、明るい場所では 60 分間持続します。Type-C 経由で充電され、リング インジケーターが電力レベルを表示します。
  3. デザインの特徴: 航空グレードの陽極酸化アルミニウムシェルとステンレス鋼ボタンで作られており、強度が高く、耐腐食性があります。
  4. ライトモード: 6 つのモード (強/高/中/弱/フラッシュ/SOS)、明るさ調整可能、最低モードで最大 24 時間の動作時間、簡単にオフにできます。
  5. サイズと重量: 小型でコンパクト、5.12 x 1.26 x 1.10 インチ、陸上で 179g、水中で 100g、ストラップとストラップで持ち運びも簡単。
  6. 製品アフターサービス: Tynny-13FD には 1 年間の完全なアフターサービス サポートが提供されます。
Tynny-13FD ダイブライト 2200 ルーメン

Tynny-13FD ダイブライト 2200 ルーメン

通常価格 $99.00
セールスプライス $99.00 通常価格 $139.00

Tynny-13FD フラッドライト ダイビング フラッシュライト (水中ビデオライト)

水中写真撮影における当社の最新イノベーション、コンパクトなダイビング補助ライト Tynny-13FD をご紹介します。これは、プロとアマチュアのダイバーの両方にとって画期的な製品です。印象的な 110° のビーム角度と驚異的な 96% の演色評価数 (CRI) を特徴とするこのコンパクトな広角フラッドダイビングフラッシュライトは、高い演色評価数 (CRI) により、水中写真が鮮明でリアル、色鮮やかになり、細部まで鮮明に捉えられます。


Tynny-13FD ダイビング フラッシュライトは、水中ビデオ撮影、ダイビング、​​シュノーケリング、洞窟探検、水中写真撮影などのさまざまな水中アクティビティに適しており、プロや愛好家にとって理想的なダイビング 機器です。

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Tynny-13FD は、6 つの多用途照明モード (最大/高/中/低/ストロボ/SOS) を備え、水中の経路を照らしたり、緊急時に助けを求める信号を送るなど、あらゆるニーズを満たすように設計されています。IP68 防水等級により、最大 100 メートルの深さでも信頼性の高いパフォーマンスが保証され、水中での長時間使用に最適です。

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  • ポータブルリストバンドと組み合わせる
  • 片手で掴む
  • 固定ストラップ付き
  • 外出時に持ち運びやすいハードシェルジッパーバッグ


  • Oリング防水リング2個。
  • 初めて使用する前に、懐中電灯のテールカバーを締めてください。
  • ダイビング前に懐中電灯を完全に充電してください。
  • 水の浸入を防ぐために充電ポートが締められているかどうかを確認してください。


  • 1.ハードシェルジッパーバッグ
  • 2.Tynny -13FDダイビング懐中電灯
  • 3. Type-C充電ケーブル
  • 4.ユーザーマニュアル
  • 5.ポータブルハンドロープ
  • 6.リストストラップ
  • 7.コイン(充電ポートを外すために使用)
  • 8.充電ポート用防水ゴムリング
  • 9.テールカバー防水ゴムリング
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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

My wife and I are underwater macrophotography hobbyists. We have several dive lights we currently use attached to our camera housing frames, and have owned various models since the early 1990's. The technology has really changed over time. We ordered the Leton Tynny FD13 as a general use dive light to carry in our BCDs or on a wrist strap, not for macro photo use.The product came well packed, and with a zippered case, extra O-rings for the sizes it uses, a small vial of silicone for seal lube, and a sturdy wrist lanyard. It seems well built. I dropped it onto a concrete floor, and it stood up to the abuse with no issues. ;-)I was confused initially about two things:1) There was a quarter-sized round battery shaped object that did not appear to be a battery. Turn out it is a "coin", or more accurately, a "coin blank", or slug to be used for opening the USB-C port cover on the light for charging. There are six settings, including four intensity adjustments, and two flash patterns.2) Use of the wrist lanyard was not initially obvious, but after I contacted Leton customer support, they sent a tutorial screenshot within about an hour explaining how it works. The key seems to be wrapping the strap around the light through the buckle, and then once more around and through it again. The terry cloth side should be up. Worked for me after seeing the diagram.The battery is a robust Panasonic, and charged in under two hours. Runtime was good on the second from the highest intensity level, and lasted over two hours with a significant portion of the battery indicator still to go. Sufficient for a night dive, with some extra to spare.The angle of the light beam this light emits is wide (110 degrees), and should not be mixed up with the "SE" model that is the same price. That light as a very narrow and focused beam, so is likely less useful for general use.Overall, I recommend this as an excellent general use dive light, or as a backup dive light. Hope this helps.


My wife and I are underwater macrophotography hobbyists. We have several dive lights we currently use attached to our camera housing frames, and have owned various models since the early 1990's. The technology has really changed over time. We ordered the Leton Tynny FD13 as a general use dive light to carry in our BCDs or on a wrist strap, not for macro photo use.The product came well packed, and with a zippered case, extra O-rings for the sizes it uses, a small vial of silicone for seal lube, and a sturdy wrist lanyard. It seems well built. I dropped it onto a concrete floor, and it stood up to the abuse with no issues. ;-)I was confused initially about two things:1) There was a quarter-sized round battery shaped object that did not appear to be a battery. Turn out it is a "coin", or more accurately, a "coin blank", or slug to be used for opening the USB-C port cover on the light for charging. There are six settings, including four intensity adjustments, and two flash patterns.2) Use of the wrist lanyard was not initially obvious, but after I contacted Leton customer support, they sent a tutorial screenshot within about an hour explaining how it works. The key seems to be wrapping the strap around the light through the buckle, and then once more around and through it again. The terry cloth side should be up. Worked for me after seeing the diagram.The battery is a robust Panasonic, and charged in under two hours. Runtime was good on the second from the highest intensity level, and lasted over two hours with a significant portion of the battery indicator still to go. Sufficient for a night dive, with some extra to spare.The angle of the light beam this light emits is wide (110 degrees), and should not be mixed up with the "SE" model that is the same price. That light as a very narrow and focused beam, so is likely less useful for general use.Overall, I recommend this as an excellent general use dive light, or as a backup dive light. Hope this helps.