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LetonPower Help Centre

Diving Light

The indicator light changes from blue to green and then from red to blue in a short period of time.

The battery pack is difficult to twist or loosen.

The indicator light is yellow when charging and the device cannot be turned on.

The LED is obviously damaged and the light is blue.

The flashlight does not work when the battery is fully charged.

The retaining ring above the circuit board is loose.

The push button switch is not connected to the circuit board properly when pressed.

The flashlight flickers erratically and the brightness keeps switching.

When the battery indicator light is on, the flashlight does not work.

The batteries are charged and the flashlight will not work unless the electrical connections are loose.

The indicator light flashes red 3 times and the flashlight switches to low brightness.

Flashlight automatically turns off

If the problem is still not solved or you have other questions, please contact our after-sales team for answers and repair services.